Thursday, January 30, 2014

Finally Took a Hike

Cami and Hannah on the hike

    Ever since arriving in Cape Town I have been itching to go hiking. The three main spots that attract hiking enthusiasts and tourists alike are Lion’s Head, Table Mountain, and Devil’s Peak. Most of the group has already hiked Lion’s Head while I was visiting my service site, but this Tuesday a group of us took on Devil’s Peak.

Devil's Peak

    We left our house at 9 in the morning to begin our two and a half hour ascent. The first thirty minutes of the hike felt like I was on a stairmaster zigzagging back and forth across the mountain. Even though it was cloudy outside, all of us were covered in sweat, dirt, and leaves from the start. Hiking Devil's Peak was challenging, but oh so rewarding. In order to reach the top, we had to climb through the clouds rolling over the top of the mountain. Even though the clouds hindered our view a little, the cool and wind were much needed relief. All of Cape Town rested below for us to survey. It took us a couple of minutes, but we eventaully spotted our house as a little speck so far far away. 

Summit of Devil's Peak overlooking Cape Town (I'm in the neon all the way on the left)
      As I reflected on the hike later that night, I thought about how most of the hikes I had been on thus far overlooked mostly untouched land. The hikes I had been on before did not have a city sprawling out beneath it. It was interesting to look out and wonder about all the people living in the space we could see and beyond. What were they doing? Where were they going? Have they ever seen the city like this?
      Although I immensly enjoyed Devil's Peak, it definitly made me miss the Appalachain Mountains and landscape I have come to know over the past couple of years. I have been told everything in Cape Town turns deep green once the rainy season hits- I can't wait! Next on our hiking wish list is a sunset hike on Table Mountain and/or full moon hike to Lion's Head. This was just the first of many hikes to come!

View of Table Mountain from Devil's Peak
    On another note, this week was the first week of school- kind of...
Like I mentioned before, the registration process at the University of the Western Cape is much much different than registration at Saint Louis University. This whole week has been a blur of registering, adding classes, deleting classes, attending classes, leaving in the middle of classes, and trying to explain this crazy program and all of its necessary accomodations to professors. I think I have it figured out...but I probably should not speak too soon. Right now I will be taking 1. Current Trends in Modern Philosophy (awesome professor with a dry sense of humor- my favorite!) 2. Leaders in Grassroots Organizations (looks like some really great projects and class content) 3. Sustainable Rural Livlihoods (a look at rural communities in Africa, African poverty, and cultural implications...haven't actually been to this class yet) and 4. Theology of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (sweet guest speakers...I think we get to meet Desmund Tutu!!!)

   Last thought of the day came from a girl I was with while waiting in the hours long line to add/drop classes. A friend and I were telling her all about the adventures we have taken since being in Cape Town (like Muizenberg beach and Devil's Peak). She is 19 and has lived near Cape Town her whole life, but has never been to Table Mountain, Devil's Peak, or Lion's Head. She found it ironically funny that we had only been here for less than two weeks and already experienced something that has been in her backyard all these years. My friend said something to the effect of that we are only here until June and therefore have to do as much as we can before we leave. While I totally agree with her, and want to drink in this city as much as possible, I must always remember that it is not MY city. I am a visitor and it is my privilege to be here experiencing all Cape Town has to offer. There is so much to see and do- I'll post my Cape Town Bucket List soon!

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