Saturday, January 25, 2014

Muizenberg and More

A big part of the reason I chose to apply to the South Africa Service Learning Program was the service learning aspect of it. This past Thursday I visited the organization I will be working with for the duration of the semester. Itemba Labantu is a Lutheran organization located in the township of Philippi that serves the community in many different ways from teaching technical trade skills, caring for the sick, and providing care and tutoring for children. After taking a tour of the area and speaking with both the founder and program director, I leanred I will be helping with the morning care for younger children and afternoon tutoring for older children. I am sure Itemba Labantu will be the focus of many blog posts to come, but for now I just anticipate a challenging and rewarding experience there throughout the semester.

However, because I visited Itemba Labantu on Thursday I was unable to hike Lion's Head with the rest of the group. I have seen their pictures and it is absolutely beautiful. There are many hikes to be had, and while I am sad that I had to miss this particular one, I know I will hike Lion's Head sometime soon. In fact, there is a tradition of hiking Lion's Head on the night of a full moon in order to watch the sunset and then marvel at the stars and moon. February 15th is the next full moon and we hope to participate in the fun!

Transportation in South Africa is pretty great. There are taxis (public minibuses), cabs (like America's personal taxis), the metro, and city bus. I have taken all forms except the city bus thus far. One interesting experience was riding in the public taxis. Big white passenger vans drive up and down the streets whislting out to those walking by. If you show interest in riding, they will pull over and wait for however long it takes you to talk to the taxi. They are inexpensive, but crammed full to the brim of people. I sat all the way in the back both times I was in the taxis, and am thankful for it- I'm not sure I would have liked to witness the driving up close from the front seat. The taxis always hold an interesting mix of people on them. There is club music blasting from the speakers and sometimes people do not have a seat and will instead just stand off to the side. I am not sure if I am describing them accurately and to their full justice, but maybe I will try again later.

Thursday night the South African program director (Melikaya) took us all out to eat at an authentic African restaurant. We shared a bowl of traditional African "beer,"which actually did not have any alcohol in it. Instead, it was gritty and had a sweet and mustardy aftertaste to it. After passing that around we shared plates of chick peas, ox tail, ostrich, springbok, and kudu. I tried most of the food (although the sheep's intestine never made it to my end of the table-thankfully), and enjoyed a lot of it. There was also live music!

Live music at restaurant

The three women pictured above sang, danced, and played the instruments onstage with such enthusiasm and committment. Our whole group got up and danced with them making complete fools of ourselves, but enjoying it nonetheless.

The next morning we had the whole day to ourselves without any planned activities or requirements, so we took the metrotrain to Muizenberg (beach-side suburb of Cape Town).
Beach-side once again!
Muizenberg is located on the False Bay coast and attracts surfers from all over. So, of course we had to join in the local fun as well. More than half of our group decided to take surfing lessons. Much to our surprise it included the wetsuit, board rental, an hour of instruction, and another hour without an instructor to practice. At low tide we suited up and set out for the waves. It was my first time surfing and I did much better than expected. I was able to stand up a fair amount of times to ride the waves in toward the shore. The thing that surprised me the most was the ferocity of the ocean. I had been swimming in an ocean before, but add wind, a huge longboard strapped to your foot, and some waves and it becomes a little harder. Surfing was tiring, but totally worth it. Most of the time we were surfing I kept thinking about how disorienting the ocean is because of its motion. The waves continually rumble in and the wind can blow you off course. I would flail and kick and swim out farther, but did not notice I really had not moved much until I looked to the shore for a point of reference. All in all it was a great day at the beach. Except for the fact that my hands and eyelids were sunburned by the time it was all over. But no worries, just a slight red.

Some of the group before leaving Muizneberg

Saturday was relaxing. Most of us slept in past our usual 8am wake up, made breakfast, and sat outside under the avocado tree in the backyard. (Yes, I know, I too am overly excited by the fact the backyard has an avocado tree) In the afternoon some of us visited Old Biscuit Mill Market in Woodstock. It was an interesting mix of artists, musicians, wonderful food, and so many people. We went down to the market a little later in the day, so I want to go back on another weekend to mosey around more.

I find it unbelieveable to think I have only been in this amazing place for a week. I feel like I have done so much already, but also know there is so much more to be done. I cannot wait for the adventures to come.

1 comment:

  1. You paint such a colorful picture of South Africa, Cami! Thank you for bringing us into your experiences in Cape Town.
