Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bumming Around

The first couple of days in Cape Town have been AH-MAZE-ING. The name of the neighborhood in which I will be living for the semseter is Observatory. Observatory is filled with restaurants, shops, and such interesting people. I cannot wait to continue exploring and meeting new people, but I have had an "independence" reality check. Because of safety concerns and differing cultural norms, I cannot travel alone throughout Observatory and Cape Town. Although I do not mind going places with others all the time, it has been a challenge not being able to get up and go someplace. As for right now, we have been traveling in a huge group wherever we go- fun but definitely not inconspicuous.

Yesterday we went to Camps Bay Beach for some sun. Coming from a North American winter none of us were totally prepared for the African sun.
Camps Bay Cape Town
Frolicking in the sun was joyous seeing how I had heard it was snowing back in Milwaukee. The Atlantic water was cold cold cold, but refreshing for sure. 
Hannah, Me, and Julia enjoying the sun!
However, being here is not all about soaking up the rays, and today was a reminder of that. Today we visited the University of the Western Cape for the first time and tried to register for classes. The whole process was stressful because it was extremely different from registering for the classes in the United States. Remembering that UWC's way of doing things is just different and not wrong has been a practice in patience, and I believe the differences present in the educational system here will continue to challenge me. I am both nervous and excited to begin classes next week.

The last component of my study abroad experience will be service in the community. I have been partnered with an organization, but have not visited it yet. After meeting with the organization I will have a better understanding of their daily activities and my role in them. This service aspect initially drew me to the South Africa program, and I am anxiously waiting to begin it.

Tomorrow our group is planning on hiking Lion's Head in the morning and hitting another beach in the afternoon. More pictures and a report on our hiking progress will follow!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Great work with the pictures and colors. That beach does look AH-MAZE-ING. Glad you got to enjoy some sunshine! Good luck on your hiking trip tomorrow. I really like reading about your experiences so make sure you keep up with your blog entries!

    Sending lots of love from Texas!
