Friday, May 2, 2014

3 Peak Challenge and More!

As we enter the month of May, I am increasingly aware of the limited time I have left in South Africa. I try to see every day as an opportunity to take in more of the city, enjoy the company of those around me, and check off the final items on my bucket list. Last weekend was a big one. Friday morning my group attended a service at St. George's Cathedral presided over by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Marquette group with Desmond Tutu
Although we were unable to talk with Archbishop Tutu for too long, being in the presence of such an influential and faith-filled man was amazing. Later in May we will be meeting again with Archbishop Tutu and his daughter to hear about their Peace Foundation run from Cape Town. 

Friday night a group of us met for snacks and drinks with some of the parents who were visiting. Then, us kids went out on Long Street (the main street for night life activity in Cape Town). There was dancing, music, and lots of laughing. I was happy to have finally gone dancing and that I was able to check Long Street nightlife off my bucket list. 

Saturday was another well-spent morning at Old Biscuit Mill neighborhood goods market. I have raved about OBM before and I am sure I will again. I go back each week to try food from a different stand, people watch, and browse. 
Not exactly sure what they're making, but it looks fun!
The market also has a lot of colorful flowers for sale! Proteas are South Africa's national flower (in the white buckets at the bottom of the picture)
 And now for the big kahuna…THE THREE PEAK CHALLENGE!!!!!
The official Three Peak Challenge is a race hosted by Cape Town in which participants begin in the town center, run up the three peaks on the Cape Town horizon (Devil's Peak, Table Mountain, and Lion's Head) returning to the town center after completing each peak. We decided climbing all three peaks in one day would be enough of a challenge, so we skipped the whole going to the center of town after each peak thing (and the whole "running" up the mountain thing). Let me tell you, it was still a hike! Below is a  picture of the three peaks we climbed.

While I was rafting in Namibia, I met a girl from Australia who lived down the street from me. Last Sunday was her last day in Cape Town, and she said she wanted to complete the Three Peak Challenge   as her last hurrah in South Africa. The Three Peak Challenge had been on my bucket list from the beginning, but I did not think I was ready to attempt it. However, I decided there was no better time than now and thought spending the day with Jazz on her last day here would be awesome. So, Sunday morning Jazz, Duke, and I got dropped off at the base of Devil's Peak at 6:30am before the sun was up. We had a bit of trouble finding the trail head in the dark, but eventually picked a path and were on our way.
Jazz, Duke, and I are a lively bunch at 6:30am!

Sunrise over Cape Town 
As we climbed, we talked. As climbing became more difficult heavy breathing replaced talking. Devil's Peak was the most challenging of the hikes, and it did not disappoint. I had been feeling somewhat nauseous that morning from waking up earlier than usual and doing so much exercise that early in the morning. Therefore, hiking up a bunch of stones that resembled a stair master from hell was not my most favorite thing. However, as I hiked I was thankful for the ability to do something so strenuous. I was thankful for my health, and my body, and the two other women who were sharing the struggle with me. As we neared the top of Devil's Peak, we began to see other early morning hikers farther down on the mountain. Devil's Peak was a devil to say the least, but we did it and continued on a path near the base of the mountain over to Table Mountain. After hiking for about four to five hours, our legs were not excited to trek up Platteklip Gorge. While we were ascending to Table Mountain, the sun came out in full force. Now we were tired and hot, but on we went! 
View from Platteklip Gorge Trail

View of Twelve Apostles Mountain Range from top of Table Mountain

Second peak victory! (That's Devil's Peak in the background)
Along the way we asked ourselves why we would ever thought climbing three peaks in one day was a good idea, but our smiles couldn't be any bigger every time we reached a peak. I knew that if I could make up Table Mountain, make it halfway, I could do the whole thing. That didn't make the rest of the day any easier, but it made it possible. Traveling in a small group was nice because we were able to stay together and stop as often as we wanted ( and at this point in the hike, that was a lot). Going down Table Mountain was not too bad, but it was especially hard on Duke's knees. I think the most mentally challenging part of the hike was making it from the bottom of Table Mountain to the base of Lion's Head. In order to do that, we had to take a trail near the base to the end of Table Mountain, walk down a huge hill, across a street, and then up a huge hill just to make it to the bottom of Lion's Head. We sat down to rest before attempting our third and final peak. Once we sat down, we weren't sure we were getting back up.
Trying to psych ourselves up enough to finish the challenge!
We finally did get off our butts and made our way up the last and easiest hike of the day. Our legs were shaking, our water was running out, but we were determined to finish strong. Everyone we passed saw our agony and thought "what weaklings!" but little did they know what we had already accomplished that day. I didn't look up so I wouldn't try to gauge how much left of the hike we had. I would stare at my feet and make sure I took myself one step forward each time. We finally made it to the top and raised our fists in glorious victory. Everyone thought we were nuts, but we didn't care. We asked a group of guys sitting down to take our final picture, and they were thoroughly impressed to hear we had just completed the Three Peak Challenge. Too bad we didn't have time for them, we wanted to get down the mountain and to comfy chairs! 
Three Peak Challenge complete! 
I have never been one for endurance sports, but I am so incredibly glad I did the Three Peak Challenge.  By the time we hiked down Lion's Head we had hiked for a total of 10.5 hours that day! I am so proud of Duke, Jazz, and myself for trudging on when we thought we might fall over (Duke actually did a few times- no worries, she's fine!). The Three Peak Challenge was incredible in more ways than one. I am so thankful I got to spend time with Jazz on her last day in Cape Town. Although I am sad she had to go so soon, I will forever remember our day together. That night I went to bed with sore legs, but a happy heart. Being in South Africa has tested and rewarded me in so many ways, and the Three Peak Challenge was no exception. By the end of it there was no book to sign, no t-shirt to buy, and no one to pat us on the back, but the satisfaction of having completed it was enough. 

Amazing things are happening here and will continue to happen, I'm sure! I'll keep you updated on the adventures here as they occur, but for now I have to decide what I'm going to eat at Old Biscuit Mill tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

  1. All of that and no T-shirt to prove it??!!! So proud of you sista!
